Karan Sharma

Building a CoreDNS plugin

6 minutes (1517 words)

CoreDNS is an extensible DNS server (which is actually a fork of Caddy v1) that can be used to serve DNS records for a domain. It is written in Go and is very easy to extend. It has a plugin system that allows you to write your own plugins to extend its functionality. In this post, I will be writing a plugin for CoreDNS that will allow it to serve DNS records for Nomad services.

I recently came across a niche use case which required me to use a resolver address for querying Nomad services. Currently Nomad native service discovery is only possible via consul-template (which renders static block of address/port of services) and HTTP API. I felt adding a DNS interface would be a nice add-on.

Rather than writing and implementing all the boring crux of a DNS server, itโ€™s better to extend on an existing server. CoreDNS fits in well here, itโ€™s also used by K8s for service discovery. CoreDNS has an extensible plugin system which allows you to chain multiple different plugins for handling a request. Stuff like logs/metrics/caching comes for free with CoreDNS in form of a plugin.

CoreDNS docs have a handy guide on how to write a plugin from scratch, so I wonโ€™t cover that again here. These are just my short notes on how I locally developed the plugin, tested and some problems I encountered during the process.

๐Ÿ”—Developing the plugin

Firstly, you need to clone CoreDNS repo. Then, using the example plugin provided, you can create a new repository for your own plugin.

To make CoreDNS aware about this plugin, you need to add it to the plugin.cfg file. This file is used by the build script to generate the plugin list. The order of plugins matter here as they define how the request is handled. For example, if you want to log all the requests, you need to add the log plugin before your plugin.

To add an external plugin this is the format used:


However, since we are developing the plugin locally, we need to add a replace directive in go.mod file to point to the local plugin directory.

replace github.com/mr-karan/coredns-nomad => ../../coredns-nomad

Next, you can run make in coredns repository. Itโ€™ll build the binary and place it in coredns directory. You can run this binary to test your plugin. To check if the plugin indeed exists in the binary, you can use the following command

./coredns -plugins | grep nomad

๐Ÿ”—Handling requests

The ServeDNS function is used to handle the DNS request by the plugin. It takes a context.Context and a dns.ResponseWriter as arguments. The dns.ResponseWriter is used to write the response back to the client. The ServeDNS function returns an int which is the status code of the response. The status code is used by the next plugin in the chain to determine if it should handle the request or not.

Since the nomad plugin expects a query in format of service.namespace.nomad, it validates the query and extracts the service name and namespace from it. If the query is invalid, it returns dns.RcodeServerFailure status code. If the query is valid, it queries the Nomad API for the service and returns the response.

func (n Nomad) ServeDNS(ctx context.Context, w dns.ResponseWriter, r *dns.Msg) (int, error) {
	state := request.Request{W: w, Req: r}
	qname := state.Name()
	qtype := state.QType()

	// Split the query name with a `.` as the delimiter and extract namespace and service name.
	// If the query is not for a Nomad service, return.
	qnameSplit := dns.SplitDomainName(qname)
	if len(qnameSplit) < 3 || qnameSplit[2] != "nomad" {
		return plugin.NextOrFailure(n.Name(), n.Next, ctx, w, r)
	namespace := qnameSplit[1]
	serviceName := qnameSplit[0]


The plugin handles A,AAAA and SRV record requests currently. Since A/AAAA records can only contain an IP address, SRV records can be used to advertise the port number.

		// Check the query type to format the appriopriate response.
		switch qtype {
		case dns.TypeA:
			m.Answer = append(m.Answer, &dns.A{
				Hdr: header,
				A:   addr,
		case dns.TypeAAAA:
			m.Answer = append(m.Answer, &dns.AAAA{
				Hdr:  header,
				AAAA: addr,



While some coredns plugins have an in-built support for caching the records to avoid a lookup to Nomad server everytime (which can get expensive), I decided to skip the caching implementation. This is because coredns itself has a cache plugins which supports a lot of various options for controlling the cache. In my testing, just using this cache plugin was sufficient to avoid Nomad lookups each time a query came in.

๐Ÿ”—Testing the plugin

I created a fake HTTP test server and added the URI paths which the Nomad Go client uses to query the Nomad API. This way I could test the plugin without having to run a Nomad cluster locally.

	// Setup a fake Nomad server.
	nomadServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		switch r.URL.Path {
			t.Errorf("Not implemented: %v", r.URL.Path)
		case "/v1/service/example":
		case "/v1/service/fakeipv6":
		case "/v1/service/multi":
		case "/v1/service/nonexistent":

๐Ÿ”—Usage Example

Here are some examples of how this plugin works. The Corefile Iโ€™ve used is:

nomad:1053 {
    nomad {
        ttl 10
    prometheus :9153
    cache 30

On running coredns, it connects to a local Nomad agent which is running at Iโ€™m running a redis job in Nomad, so I can query the service using the following command:

nomad service info -namespace=default redis                 
Job ID  Address              Tags  Node ID   Alloc ID
redis  []    9e02c85b  95170495
redis  []    9e02c85b  a1cf923c
redis  []    9e02c85b  a9d1181a

Now, the same query can also be handled using the DNS server running by coredns:

doggo redis.default.nomad @tcp://
redis.default.nomad.	A   	IN   	10s	
redis.default.nomad.	A   	IN   	10s	
redis.default.nomad.	A   	IN   	10s

Quering an SRV record is also possible:

dig +noall +answer +additional redis.default.nomad @ -p 1053 SRV
redis.default.nomad.	10	IN	SRV	10 10 25395 redis.default.nomad.
redis.default.nomad.	10	IN	SRV	10 10 20888 redis.default.nomad.
redis.default.nomad.	10	IN	SRV	10 10 26292 redis.default.nomad.
redis.default.nomad.	10	IN	A
redis.default.nomad.	10	IN	A
redis.default.nomad.	10	IN	A


You can checkout the source code here.


Tags: #golang #coredns