I had to unmarshall a POST
body JSON payload into a struct
but the payload had all fields as string
and I wanted to have proper data types for the keys.
This is how the payload
looked like:
"bufsize": "512",
"class": "IN",
"do": "false",
"duration": "0.000072844",
"id": "33531",
"level": "INFO",
"name": "mrkaran.dev.",
"proto": "udp",
"rcode": "NOERROR",
"rflags": "qr,aa,rd,ra",
"rsize": "83",
"server_addr": "",
"server_port": "53256",
"size": "29",
"type": "A"
Some of the fields like bufsize
, size
, id
should be of type int32
. To decode these string
fields into the types defined in struct, we can use json:",string"
This is how the struct
type Log struct {
BufSize int `json:"bufsize,string"`
Class string `json:"class"`
DO bool `json:"do,string"`
Duration float64 `json:"duration,string"`
ID int `json:"id,string"`
Level string `json:"level"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Proto string `json:"proto"`
RCode string `json:"rcode"`
RFlags string `json:"rflags"`
RSize int `json:"rsize,string"`
ServerAddr string `json:"server_addr"`
SererPort int `json:"server_port,string"`
Size int `json:"size,string"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Quoting from the docs:
The “string” option signals that a field is stored as JSON inside a JSON-encoded string. It applies only to fields of string, floating point, integer, or boolean types. This extra level of encoding is sometimes used when communicating with JavaScript programs: