For the longest time I’ve had these commands in my .gitlab-ci.yml
file for a K8s CD pipeline:
- kubectl apply -k overlays/prod
- echo "Waiting for 15 seconds for pods to be restarted" && sleep 15
- kubectl get po
So, basically I apply the changes to cluster using kubectl apply
and wait for arbitary decided time (15 seconds) to see the pod status
, hoping by that time the new deployments would have been active and old pods would be deleted. As the traditional SRE saying goes Hope is not a strategy this was clearly hacky and I knew it back then, just didn’t priortise enough to find a replacement. Recently got to know about kubectl wait
and woah, this is exactly what I needed. I can wait till either the condition is true or a timeout happens, whichever is earlier. This is so much better than the previous hack.
kubectl wait --for=condition=available --timeout=60s --all deployments
Here the condition
depends on the resource you are selecting. You can see the values for Conditions
using kubectl describe <resource>
. For eg, for deployment and pods:
$ kc describe deployments/{deployment_name} | grep Conditions -A 5
Type Status Reason
---- ------ ------
Progressing True NewReplicaSetAvailable
Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable
$ kc describe pods/{pod_name} | grep Conditions -A 5
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
ContainersReady True
PodScheduled True
So, now you’ll set the value for condition
according to your choice. This will be pretty useful in CI/CD pipelines. That’s pretty much it.
Unrelated, but I thought about doing more such short posts and be consistent with more of writing. If you liked the short and precise format or have any feedback on it, do reach out to me on Twitter.
Happy New Year :)