My Obsidian vault has gotten quite messy over time. I’ve been dumping notes without proper frontmatter, tags were all over the place, and some notes didn’t even have proper titles! I needed a way to clean this up without spending hours manually organizing everything.
I’d been playing around with Claude’s API lately, and thought – hey, why not use an LLM to analyze my notes and add proper frontmatter? After all, that’s what these AI models are good at – understanding context and categorizing stuff.
I wrote a small Python script using the llm library (which is pretty neat btw) to do just this. Here’s what it looks like:
import llm
import os
import yaml
import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import re
class ObsidianNoteProcessor:
def __init__(self, notes_dir, model_name="claude-3.5-sonnet"):
self.notes_dir = Path(notes_dir)
self.model = llm.get_model(model_name)
def extract_existing_frontmatter(self, content):
"""Extract existing frontmatter if present."""
frontmatter_pattern = r'^---\n(.*?)\n---\n'
match = re.match(frontmatter_pattern, content, re.DOTALL)
if match:
return yaml.safe_load(, content[match.end():]
except yaml.YAMLError:
return {}, content
return {}, content
def generate_prompt(self, content):
"""Generate a prompt for the LLM to analyze the note content."""
return f"""Analyze the following note content and extract/infer the following properties:
1. A clear title (if not present, generate from content)
2. Relevant categories based on the content
3. Appropriate tags (include 'inbox' if content seems draft-like)
4. Status (Draft/In Progress/Complete) based on content completeness
5. Priority (Low/Medium/High) based on content importance
6. A brief description summarizing the content
Note content:
Return ONLY the YAML frontmatter without any code block markers. Use this exact format (omit fields if not applicable):
title: <title>
category: <category>
- tag1
- tag2
status: <status>
priority: <priority>
description: <description>"""
def clean_llm_response(self, response_text):
"""Clean up the LLM response to ensure proper YAML."""
# Remove yaml code block markers if present
response_text = response_text.strip()
if response_text.startswith('```yaml'):
response_text = response_text.split('\n', 1)[1]
if response_text.endswith('```'):
response_text = response_text.rsplit('\n', 1)[0]
return response_text.strip()
def process_note(self, file_path):
"""Process a single note file."""
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
content =
# Extract existing frontmatter and content
existing_frontmatter, main_content = self.extract_existing_frontmatter(content)
# Generate and execute prompt
response = self.model.prompt(self.generate_prompt(main_content))
response_text = self.clean_llm_response(response.text())
new_frontmatter = yaml.safe_load(response_text)
if not isinstance(new_frontmatter, dict):
print(f"Warning: Invalid response format for {}")
new_frontmatter = {}
except yaml.YAMLError as e:
print(f"YAML parsing error for {}")
print(f"Response text was:\n{response_text}")
raise e
# Merge with existing frontmatter, preferring existing values
merged_frontmatter = {**new_frontmatter, **existing_frontmatter}
# Add date if not present
if 'date' not in merged_frontmatter:
merged_frontmatter['date'] =
# Generate new note content
new_content = "---\n"
new_content += yaml.dump(merged_frontmatter, sort_keys=False, allow_unicode=True)
new_content += "---\n\n"
new_content += main_content.strip()
# Write back to file
with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
print(f"✓ Processed: {}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"✗ Error processing {}: {str(e)}")
def process_vault(self):
"""Process all markdown files in the vault."""
print("Starting Obsidian vault cleanup...")
for file_path in self.notes_dir.glob('**/*.md'):
print("\nVault cleanup completed!")
def main():
# Set up the model key if not already configured
model = llm.get_model("claude-3.5-sonnet")
if not hasattr(model, 'key'):
api_key = os.getenv('ANTHROPIC_API_KEY')
if not api_key:
raise ValueError("Please set ANTHROPIC_API_KEY environment variable")
model.key = api_key
# Initialize and run the processor
notes_dir = "/Users/karan/Notes/Obsidian/The Wall/Notes"
processor = ObsidianNoteProcessor(notes_dir)
if __name__ == "__main__":
The script is pretty straightforward – it reads each markdown file, extracts any existing frontmatter (because I don’t want to lose that!), and then asks Claude to analyze the content and generate appropriate frontmatter. It adds stuff like title, category, tags, status, priority.
What I love about this approach is that it’s contextual. Unlike regex-based approaches or keyword matching, the LLM actually understands what the note is about and can categorize it properly. A note about “Setting up BTRFS on Arch” automatically gets tagged with “linux”, “filesystem”, “arch” without me having to maintain a predefined list of tags. The categorization is probably better than what I’d have done manually at 2 AM while organizing my notes!