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- Automating Badminton Game Alerts
- Cleaning up Notes with LLM
- 2024: A Year In Review
- How I use LLMs
- Self Hosting Outline Wiki
- Building an expense tracker app
- A Random Act of Kindness
- Travelling with Tailscale
- One Billion Row Challenge in Go
- Making sad servers happy
- Nomad can do everything that K8s can
- Storing AWS Pinpoint Logs
- Bridge Networking in Nomad
- Analyzing credit card transactions with GPT and Python
- The curious case of missing and duplicate logs
- Structured logging in Go with slog
- Building a CoreDNS plugin
- Writing a disk-based key-value store in Golang
- Logging on Nomad with Vector
- Don't use which
- Attending IndiaFOSS 2022
- Debugging DNS Issues in Nomad
- Understanding Networking in Nomad
- How I expose services while self hosting
- Using ClickHouse Keeper for Replication
- Breaking Software and Getting Older
- Debugging issues with Packer and Ansible in Docker
- Load testing with K6
- Analyzing CoreDNS logs with Clickhouse and Vector
- How I take Notes
- Running Nomad for home server
- Setup Gitlab Runner with AWS ECR
- Designing a simple Job Queue in Golang
- Analysis Paralysis - CrashLoopBackoff
- Migrating my blog to Zola
- Import existing Route53 records in Terraform
- Setting up a RIPE Atlas Probe
- Monitoring my home network
- Using Tailscale for home server
- DNS Lookups in Kubernetes
- Resize PVC in Kubernetes
- sshuttle - A better ssh tunnel
- Use netcat for port scanning
- kubectl wait
- Introducing kubekutr
- A quick primer on dig
- GitOps approach to Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes
- Intro to RBAC in EKS
- Kubernetes cluster on RPi
- My Personal Networking Setup
- Common Docker Mistakes - Episode 1
- Setting up Kong API Gateway - Part 2/2
- Setting up Kong API Gateway - Part 1/2
- Adding Prometheus configuration to your CI/CD workflow
- Makefile for Golang projects
- Bi-Weekly Music Post Part 4
- Bi-Weekly Music Post Part 3
- Bi-Weekly Music Post Part 2
- Receiving notifications from Supervisor
- Bi-Weekly Music Post Part 1